Create a new account.

This course is linked with Universiteit Antwerpen.
If your email account ends with, please register with that email address to qualify for a discount.
Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character (for example: "-", ".", "_", and so on). Passwords must have at least one lowercase ('a'-'z'). Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').
Note: Leave it empty if you do not have an access code.
By registering, you agree to our Terms of Use and GDPR agreements.

If you have already got an account and an access code, please log in to Redeem

Notice: the mail server of Universiteit Antwerpen is blocking our emails now. So if you reset your password, or are waiting for a verification email, it will not work. For any account and course subscription related questions, please send an email to for assistance. We are resolving the issue as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding.